This is how disorganized I am. I started a blog and then couldn't find it!
Well, recently I decided I NEEDED to write down attempts and goals again and I thought of this blog and felt very sheepish. Good thing it's not out in public but just for me.
Anyway, I'm starting yet another attempt at getting organized and losing weight. Well, mostly losing weight. I figure once I feel better it'll be easier to attempt the other goals.
So my current goal is to lose 10 lbs or more by July 4th 2010. I've written it down and worked out what I need to do and here it is:
Goal: Lose 10 lbs. (or more!) by July 4th
Specific actions to accomplish this:
a) Chew food more slowly and swallow before putting another bite in my mouth.
b) Schedule exercise at the gym three times a week and then go at those times.
c) Drink a glass of water every morning before breakfast.
d) Take my vitamins daily
e) Be in bed by 11pm on weeknights
f) Eat no more than one serving of meat per meal.
g) Eat until satisfied but not stuffed.
h) Limit processed sweets or snacks to once a day.
i) Take a walk around the block daily after dinner.
j) Eat some yogurt or take acidophilus (probiotics for intestinal health) daily
k) Read Sean's blog entry about how he lost weight at least every other day.
So far I'm doing well with f) i) j) k) but have to work on the rest. Baby steps.
I'm glad I found my blog again. Now I can come here to read what my goal was and what my plan was for achieving it. I'm 165.2 lbs today. Down from 166+ earlier in the week with my period and all. I'm looking to weigh 155 lbs by July 4th.